
The Geography Educators’ Network of Indiana, Inc. (GENI), IUPUI – CA 345, 425 University Blvd. Indianapolis IN 46202-5140; 317.274.8879, or e-mail

The History Educators’ Network of Indiana, Inc. (HENI),

Association of American Geographers (AAG), 1710 Sixteenth Street NW Washington, DC 20009-3198; 202.234.1450,

Indiana Landmarks, 1201 Central Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46202; 317.639.4534 or 800.450.4534;

Indiana Department of Education, Social Studies Liaison – Bruce Blomberg,

Indiana Council for the Social Studies,

Indiana Council for Economic Education, Purdue University, Ag Administration Building, Room 221
615 West State Street, West Lafayette, IN 47907-2053; 765.494.8545 telephone, 765.496.1505 fax;

Indiana Geographic Information Council, Indiana State Library, GIS, 140 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46204; 317.234.2924 telephone;; e-mail

National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE),1101 14TH Street, N.W., Suite 350, Washington D.C., 20005-5647; 202.216.0942;

National Council for History Education (NCHE), 13940 Cedar Road #393, University Heights OH, 44118, 240.696.660;, nche@nche.net