The IndianaView Consortium, in conjunction with AmericaView, offers two tutorials designed for (Indiana) high school students taking either Advanced Placement Human Geography or Geography & History of the World. The tutorials focus on geospatial technologies beginning with the basics (GPS & latitude/longitude) and advancing into remote sensing, satellite imagery/aerial photography, and GIS. Many existing and developing aspects of the geospatial technologies will, also, be shared.
GeoSpatial Tutorials on GPS, Remote Sensing, and GIS
Tutorial I: Land Use Change
Welcome to the tutorial for Indiana high school students taking “Geography & History of the World” or “Advanced Placement Human Geography” and studying Land Use Change or Urban Development. You will work through this tutorial in preparation for finding, manipulating, and creating maps through a variety of geo-spatial technologies, learning about tools and skills that will increase your knowledge in Geography. Geo-spatial technologies consist of a variety of resources that acquire, manage, analyze, problemsolve, and plan information (or data) from a spatial perspective – like a Geographer visualizes the world. For example, you will learn about GPS (global positioning systems), GIS (geographic information system), Remote Sensing (satellite imagery, aerial photography – orthophotography), and more…
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The interactive tutorial includes two sections and features a range of informational videos, interactive activities, step-by-step guides, and self-check questions.
Click on the image to access.

Welcome to the second tutorial for Indiana high school students taking “Geography & History of the World” or “Advanced Placement Human Geography” and studying water and drought, human/environment interaction, rural/urban land use, agriculture, or population/migration issues. You will work through this tutorial in preparation for finding information, manipulating data, and creating maps through remote sensing and GIS in order to study water-related issues in your community and state.
Download the tutorial as a PDF (4.9 Mb) | Download lesson plan (Word).

The interactive tutorial includes 5 sections and a case studies. The tutorial features a range of informational videos, interactive activities, step-by-step guides, and self-check questions.
Click on the image to access.