Geography & GIS: INspired by YOUR Place
What’s New
2021 Middle & High School (Grades 4-12) ARCGIS ONLINE STORY MAP COMPETITION – Mapping Indiana: Past, Present and New Realities
2020 Indiana Geography Educators of the Year Awards
2020 Summer Curriculum Educator Workshop: European Union
2020 IN High School ArcGIS OnLine StoryMap Competition Results
2020 IN Geographic Bee
2020 Indiana Middle & High School Story Map Competition
GENI/DigIndy Photos
GENI/4-H GIS Day 2019
IN ArcGIS Online Story Map Competition RESULTS – Top 5
2019 Indiana State GIS Day
Event Information:
GeoWeek 2021
GeoWeek 2021
(November 14-20)
(Wednesday November 17)
Primary/Elementary School
(books + activities)How
to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman
(K-5)Monday - read the book and practice using a grid system
(label ABC-P/123-9) on the books map indicating ingredient locations
Tuesday - cook apples in the classroom or cafeteria
follow with
Tiny Seed by Eric Carle (1-5)Wednesday - read the book and add soil to a clear container; discuss soil types
Thursday - plant seeds in the soil (some close to the sides of the cup); discuss what helps a seed to grow (compare to the book). Create a spreadsheet to track seed growth,
water, and sunlight (3 columns; many rows - week 1, week 2, week 3...); practice using a rulerfollow with
HERE WE ARE: Notes for Living on Planet Earthby Oliver Jeffers (P-4)
Friday - practice "beach ball globe toss"...right thumb on land or water; create a tally chart; create a human bar graph
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------- Middle/High School
(book, activities + professionals)Lindsey
the GIS Professional
online book (4-12)Monday - read the online book and start a few activities
Lindsey the GIS Professional (K-5/8)Tuesday - invite local GIS Professionals (via county surveyor's/assessor's/auditor'
s offices, post-secondary institutions, utilities and private entities) Wednesday -
GIS DAY 2021: Maps, Music and More! LIVE with Joseph Kerski5-6 p.m. EST;
M&M Community Map activityThursday -
Landforms Greatest Hits! Interactive Story Map
(middle/high+)Friday - Enrich literacy by EXPLORING Indiana data & imagery via
For more ideas, contact the GENI office at 317.274.8879 or