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Tue31Jan20237:00 - 8:30 PMZoom
Great Decisions 2023 | War Crimes: A History of Crimes Against Humanity
Erin Farrell Rosenberg
Visiting Scholar, Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights
University of Cincinnati College of LawOrder your 2023 Great Decisions Book!
Erin Farrell Rosenberg is a licensed attorney specializing in International criminal law (ICL), reparations, and genocide prevention. She spent a decade working in ICL, beginning at the International Criminal Tribunal where she assisted the Trial Chamber at the pre-trial stage on the Prosecutor vs. Ratko Mladic case. She then moved to the International Criminal Court (ICC), first in the Appeals Chamber where she worked on the ICC’s first judgment on reparations in the Lubanga case. She then continued her focus on reparations by leading the legal work at the ICC Trust Fund for Victims. In this role, she designed the Court’s first reparations beneficiary eligibility screening system, conducted harm assessments and victim consultations for purposes of reparations design and implementation planning, and oversaw the implementation of the first reparations to beneficiaries in the ICC’s history.
Upon returning to the US, she served as the Senior Advisor for the Center for the Prevention of Genocide at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, where she was the lead author for the report series, Practical Prevention: How the Genocide Convention’s Obligation to Prevent Applies to Burma and the Center’s legal work on the situations in Myanmar (Burma) and Xinjiang, China.
Currently, she works as a legal consultant, advising a number of NGOs and victim groups on legal and policy issues related to atrocity crimes and conflict situation. She is also, on a consultant’s basis, the Senior Legal and Policy Advisor for the Red Line Initiative, recently initiated by the Mukwege Foundation together with 2018 Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege, which seeks to create an international convention for the elimination of sexual violence as a method of warfare.