Events & Professional Development

Event Information:

  • Thu

    Professional Development: Religious Nationalism – webinar panel

    7:00 pm - 8:30 pm ETVia Zoom

    As Americans, we have long associated religious extremism with Islamic terrorism. Unfortunately, history tells us that any religion is prone to extremism. Religion has also been linked to ethno-centric extremism in many cultures. In the US this has become known most recently as Christian Nationalism. We are also seeing a rise in extremism in countries that either became democratic civil societies post WWII or recently emerging civil societies. The move toward nationalism linked to religious extremism has been linked to violence as well as the election of authoritarian rulers whose very actions violate the core values of a civil society; the freedoms of speech, religion, press, gathering and protest.

    This urgent matter will be the topic for our program –on Thursday, January 18th @ 7 PM ET. We are excited about our panelists!
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