Event Information:
International GIS Day
- Find Resources / hear GIS Stories / visit GIS Day events near you https://www.gisday.com/en-us/overview
- Find a local GIS professional to visit your classroom OR to visit their work site geni@iupui.edu
- Engage in interactive elementary-secondary GeoInquiries https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/education/schools/geoinquiries-collections
- BEGIN your Story Map adventure … request a FREE ArcGIS Online school account for your students https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/education/schools/schools-mapping-software-bundle (scroll down a bit and complete the request; takes a few business days to receive a reply)
1. Once this step is completed, IN middle and high school students can participate in the Mapping Indiana: Nature, Culture and Diversity 2020 IN Middle & High School ArcGIS Online Story Map Competition … 10-$100.00 Amazon gift cards as prizes!!!