What’s New
Geography Awareness Week 2024, Nov. 17-23
2024 IN StoryMap Competition Winner
2024 Indiana Middle & High School Story Map Competition
Geography Awareness Week 2023
Indiana 2023 ArcGIS Online Middle & High School Story Map Competition Winners…
Indiana Geography Awareness Week 2022 Postcard Contest Top 3
Great Decisions 2023
Indiana’s top high school 2022 ArcGIS Online Story Map Competition awardees
2022 Indiana StoryMap Competition Announced / Grades 4-12 / Deadline May 9 2022
Sat27Apr2019Indiana History Center, Indianapolis
June 6 or 7. Please check back to confirm as the date approaches.
Thu06Jun20199:00am - 3:00pmMorrisson-Reeves Library, 80 North 6th Street, Richmond, IN 47374
Guest Speaker: Sue King
Archivist, Morrisson-Reeves LibraryRegister for Workshop
For More Information email: eosborn@iu.edu or call 812-856-4706 -
Mon08Jul2019Fri12Jul20198:30am - 4:00pmBall State University, Muncie
View Flyer
Application deadline: April 27th
Register for Workshop -
Mon15Jul2019Thu18Jul201910:00am - 3:00pmIUPUI Campus
Tue17Sep2019IN Government Center South
Mon23Sep2019Tue24Sep2019Indianapolis Marriott North
Fri27Sep2019Purdue Earth, Atmospheric, & Planetary Sciences
Sat05Oct20195:00PM - 7:00PMSummit Lake State Park (Sunset Shelter) 5993 N. Messick Road, New Castle, IN 47362
Those who participate in the 2019 Golden Hour Smartphone Photography Workshop will be empowered to make beautiful pictures with their smartphones in Summit Lake State Park during the magical light that is known as The Golden Hour
The park staff will point out plants, animals, and scenery of particular interest. Participants will learn how to use their smartphones to photograph landscapes, portraits, still lifes, and do macro photography. Following the introduction, the workshop members will have the opportunity to shoot photographs throughout the park.
For a fee of $10, participants will receive admission to the park, a printed handout, a tripod, and a box of photographic clip-on lenses for their smartphones. The first ten people who register will receive the handouts. Others are welcome to attend.
Register at moriartymedia.com
Photographs may be sent to the park to be judged by the staff. The winning picture will be framed and hung in the Summit Lake State Park office.
This activity is made possible with support by the Indiana Arts Commission and the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
Presentation by Katie Springer, the IN State Data Center Coordinator and Librarian with the IN State Library
Fri01Nov2019Sun03Nov2019McCormick’s Creek State Park
Thu07Nov2019Sat09Nov2019Elements Financial Blue Ribbon Pavilion at the IN State Fairgrounds
GREAT food and entertainment; SOLID education linked to IN Academic Standards; early holiday shopping. GENI is hosting the Giant Maps of Africa & Indiana and Passport engagement activity; IUPUI is a Community Partner encouraging connections to the university. http://www.nationalitiescouncil.org/
-Thursday, 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.: school groups in the morning and early afternoon/public in the afternoon and evening
-Friday, 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.: school groups in the morning and early afternoon/public in the afternoon and evening; Naturalization Ceremony begins at 2:00 p.m. (very humbling and moving event)
-Saturday, 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.: OPEN to EVERYONE! -
Thu07Nov2019Sat09Nov2019IN State Fairgrounds Blue Ribbon Pavilion
Igniting the Spirit of Exploration in Indiana
Indiana K-12 2019 GAW Bookmark Competition; postmark deadline is November 26, 2019
WATCH for educational resources -
- Find Resources / hear GIS Stories / visit GIS Day events near you https://www.gisday.com/en-us/overview
- Find a local GIS professional to visit your classroom OR to visit their work site geni@iupui.edu
- Engage in interactive elementary-secondary GeoInquiries https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/education/schools/geoinquiries-collections
- BEGIN your Story Map adventure … request a FREE ArcGIS Online school account for your students https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/education/schools/schools-mapping-software-bundle (scroll down a bit and complete the request; takes a few business days to receive a reply)
1. Once this step is completed, IN middle and high school students can participate in the Mapping Indiana: Nature, Culture and Diversity 2020 IN Middle & High School ArcGIS Online Story Map Competition … 10-$100.00 Amazon gift cards as prizes!!! -
Fri15Nov20198:00a.m. – 4:00p.m.IUPUI's Hine Hall
How Hoosiers Exemplify Our World: Activists, Innovators and Diplomats
Keynote: A’Lelia Bundles, author of On Her Own Ground: The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker, a biography of her great-great-grandmother that was named a New York Times Notable Book.
Lunch: Dr. Tina L. Heafner, President of the National Council for the Social Studies
- IN Studies app, CitizIN, launched at the Conference
- ICSS & GENI Awards
- Sessions / Networking / Exhibits
- PGP’s available
- IUPUI’s Idea Garden – IUPUI Learning Spaces has created a place to foster creativity through technology for students, staff, and the community. The technology was chosen to encourage experimentation, whether you are a novice or a veteran of the technologies. Visitors can get hands-on experience with Dell Canvas and Microsoft Surface drawing tablets, LulzBot TAZ 6 3D printers, HTC Vive virtual reality stations, and an IQ-Wall made up of eight touch-screen panels. ICSS Conference Attendees are explore the Idea Garden in IP106.
- IU IT Training (https://ittraining.iu.edu) recently made all of their online training materials (Office, Adobe, web design, graphic design, video production, creating accessible documents, etc.) FREE of charge for everyone! IUPUI Department of Geography Augmented Reality Sandbox will be on site for ICSS Conference Attendees to experience -
Fri22Nov2019Sun24Nov2019Austin, TX
Hosted by the Texas Council for the Social Studies
http://ncge.org/2019conference -
Fri06Dec2019Sat07Dec2019Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park Inn
Fri06Dec2019Sat07Dec2019Fort Benjamin Harrison State Park
Sun09Feb2020Tue11Feb2020Wyndham Hotel West
Thu05Mar202010:30 amValparaiso University, Department of Geography & Meteorology, Kallay Christopher Hall #112 (FREE Parking – Lot 3)
Participate in an in-person or on-line workshop built around the NatGeo Learning Framework, which describes the attitudes, skills, and knowledge sets that encourage students to think like explorers.
Workshop Flyer -
Mon11May2020Wed13May2020Muncie Convention Center
Mon22Jun2020Thu25Jun2020The European Union Center at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
The European Union Center at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, invites PK-12 educators to take part in a summer workshop aimed at developing a more effective curriculum on the European Union. These materials may be incorporated into courses such as geography, government, politics, civics, foreign languages, world/U.S. history, and economics. Indiana educators will receive PGP’s.
For more information and a tentative schedule, see here.
The cost of attending the workshop is $90, payable by check to “University of Illinois.” Included in the workshop fee are three nights of lodging at Illini Tower and parking for the duration of the workshop. Breakfast and lunch will be provided June 23-25, and dinner will be provided on June 22. Participants will be expected to cover their own dinners on June 23 and 24. The EU Center will also provide a travel reimbursement of up to $150 based on mileage.
Register by April 19. Questions may be directed to Sydney Lazarus (lazarus5@illinois.edu).
ICSS Teaching & Learning Materials
ICSS Virtual Annual Conference7-10 pm Eastern: Wednesday, Oct. 21 & Thursday, Oct. 228 am - Noon: Saturday, October 24
ICSS Members Registration FREEProgram Sneak Peak: Learn from local experts
Academic World Quest: Becoming Global Citizens as High School Students - Saturday, October 24 at 8 am
Panelists: John Carter, Instructional Coach / Teacher, Carmel High School; Troy Hammon, Teacher, Shortridge IB High School; and Nick Salemi, Teacher, Warren Central High School. Moderator: Janet I. Harris, Indiana Council on World Affairs.
This panel of teachers will share their experiences in sponsoring teams of high school students to the Academic WorldQuest, a global studies program and competition offering students a learning experience on current matters of importance. With the free, easy-to-use, on-line "Official Study Guide," students can independently prepare for the free competition scheduled for February 27, 2021, University of Indianapolis - Live or Virtual or Hybrid. The panel will cover student career options and success stories. Academic WorldQuest is a program of the Indiana Council on World Affairs.Indiana Jazz Exchange -Thursday at 7 pm. Presented by Monika Herzig, Sr. Lecturer at IU, Bloomington in Arts AdministrationThis session presents the Indianapolis - Cologne Sister Cities Exchange program Indiana Jazz Exchange, in existence since 2011. The Indiana Avenue Jazz legacy, a community created around the Walker Theater and fostered by the music teachers of Crispus Attucks High School, is legendary. I present the stories and music of the Indiana Avenue musicians using our award-winning virtual Sister City Exchange program from June 2020 and important lessons from strong communities who built this jazz legacies for the history and social studies curriculum.Hear about national programs:
Courageous Conversations: Building a Positive Classroom - Wednesday at 7 pm. Presented by Jessica Hulten, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center
The Courageous Conversation workshop prepares educators to create positive classroom atmospheres where challenging and productive conversations around topics such as racism, antisemitism, bias, can happen. Educators will collaborate on best practices to construct an environment of respect and rapport. Participants will leave with a toolkit to implement into their classroom.Developing Students’ Global Citizenship with Eyewitness Testimony -Wednesday at 9 pm. Presented Lesly Culp; Head of Programs and Sedda Antekelian, Education and Outreach Specialist, USC Shoah Foundation
Educators explore IWitness, USC Shoah Foundation's educational website, which connects students to human experiences from survivors and witnesses to genocide and empowers their agency in global society. Educators learn how to effectively integrate testimony-based resources across the history discipline, to develop critical thinking, social-emotional aptitudes and civic capacities in students.Using Digital Platforms to Teach Primary Sources: The Presidential Primary Sources Project -Thursday, October 22 at 7 pm. Presented by Therese Perlowski, Internet2
Our session will highlight lessons learned through the Presidential Primary Sources Project to identify best practices for high quality, engaging virtual learning programs. Through accessible online programs we will share how to guide students to build critical thinking skills and gain a greater understanding of the presidency and its historical impacts.Exhibitor Zoom Room: Wednesday at 8 pm, between sessionsNewsela Exhibitor Zoom Room: Wednesday & Thursday at 8 pm
10 am Saturday, October 24: Keynote & Awards
Lessons in Marginalism: Anything Worth Doing is NOT Worth Doing Well
by Mohammad Kaviani, Sr. Lecturer in the Dept. of Economics at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), and Director of the Center for Economic Education.
Economists look at all decisions being made at the margin which requires them to allocate scarce resources only to those activities which yield marginal benefits that exceed marginal costs. So how clean is clean enough? Through a brief demonstration, participants will learn that a 100% clean environment may not be an optimal solution.
11:15 am Saturday October 24: Bonus Professional Development!Developing Global Citizens through Geo-Inquirypresented by Chassity Mahaska, Franklin Central High School & GENI
National Geographic's Geo-Inquiry process puts students in the role of explorers and empowers them to investigate and change the world around them. Explorers are encouraged to look at issues from multiple perspectives, including both local and global.Earn Professional Growth Points at
2020 ICSS Annual Conference
Indiana Council for the Social Studies
BLOOMINGTON, IN 47408-4001
Add us to your address book
You may unsubscribe if you prefer not to receive future emails from us | Privacy Policy -
Survivor Diaries: Lost (intermediate book)
by Terry Lynn Johnson
https://www.ilfonline.org/page/2020-2021survivordiarieslostAll the Bright Places (IN-based high school book)
by Jennifer NivenNational Geographic Little Kids (pre-school through elementary magazine in print or via Kindle)
Slade's Glacier: A Novel (adult/high school)
by Robert F. JonesYoung Hoosier Book Awards/Nominees
online interactives with a spatial/mapping component; available via grade level and/or discipline
https://www.esri.com/en-us/industries/education/schools/geoinquiries-collectionsFind an Explorer from the National Geographic Society
GAW Education from the National Geographic Society
What is Geography? from the AAG (Association of American Geographers)
Why Am I A Geographer? from ESRI's Joseph Kerski (video, 2mins 54 secs)
Write a grant: COVID-19 Emergency Remote Learning Fund for Educators from the National Geographic Society
MAPPING HOUR … a series of twenty, one-hour episodes with Charlie Fitzpatrick and Team … using mapping tools in a variety of subjects. GREAT for virtual learning! https://mappinghour-k12.hub.arcgis.com/pages/episodes
(GENI will offer PGP's if you use the videos … let us know – geni@iupui.edu)Lindsey the GIS Professional (online book and variety of resources & activities)
IndianaMap https://maps.indiana.edu/
IndianaView https://www.indianaview.org/glovis/IN_County_Landsat_Data.html (archived satellite images for Indiana counties)
GIS Day@ IU Bloomington, Week-long Events https://gisday.indiana.edu/
GIS Day@ Purdue, Big-Ten Academic Alliance, November 13, https://www.lib.purdue.edu/gis
What is GIS? video with Joseph Kerski
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6abN99ONmpQ&feature=youtu.be&co3=trueGIS Day Resources (posters, videos, activities...) https://www.gisday.com/en-us/resources
GIS Stories … find an exploration story for you and your classroom
https://www.gisday.com/en-us/discover-gis101 Ways to Participate in GIS Day
https://www.gisday.com/en-us/101-waysGeoData Portal @ Purdue (global) http://geodata.lib.purdue.edu/ogp/
Let us know what you did for GAW and/or GIS Day, and we will send you a world map: name, organization, postal address (e-mail to geni@iupui.edu) -
Wed24Feb20216:30 pm
Theme: Mapping Indiana: Past, Present and New Realities
WHAT: A WEBINAR for educators, students, librarians, resource specialists, education outreach facilitators and the community in general. (Professional development recognition provided: PGP’s, GISP’s…)
WHY: Learn
• How to tell stories with online maps
• How to get started for the competitionWHEN: Wednesday, February 24, 2021, 6:30 pm (EST)
Free registration: https://tinyurl.com/t8yc6ld9
WHO: Jörn Seemann – Ball State University, Department of Geography
Shireen Desouza – Ball State University, Department of Biology
Kathy Lamb Kozenski - IUPUI , Department of GeographyQUESTIONS? Send us an e-mail: mappingindiana@gmail.com
Meet Indiana GIS professionals and leaders in the GIS industry, get hands on experience taught by GIS experts and learn new techniques and how GIS is changing the state. Accepting Abstracts through March 12 https://www.igic.org/2021-annual-indiana-gis-conference
Thu25Mar202112:00 pm
Indiana Historical Society offers a broad range of virtual opportunities: webinars, storytelling, exhibit tours, educator and student resources and more. For example, March 25, 5:30-6:30 p.m., History Happy Hour focuses on A History of Hoosier Hysteria https://indianahistory.org/visit/calendar/
Thu15Apr20216:30 pmWebinar
For educators, students, librarians, resource specialists, education outreach facilitators and the community in general
WHY: Learn
• Step-by-step creation of an on-line story map
• How to get started for the competitionWHEN: Wednesday, April 15, 2021, 6:30 pm (EST)
Free registration: https://tinyurl.com/yz577krp
WHO: Shireen Desouza – Ball State University, Department of Biology
JÖrn Seemann – Ball State University, Department of Geography
Kathy Lamb Kozenski - IUPUI , Department of Geography
2021 Indiana Middle School and High School (grades 4-12)
ArcGIS Story Map Competition
THEME: Mapping Indiana: Past, Present and New Realities -
This Webinar will focus on the ArcGIS Online Story Map Competition for U.S. High School and Middle School Students (grades 4-12). Presentations from current and past student winners, state leaders, and T3G educators are highlights of the Webinar.BENEFITS to YOU:> prepare for the 2022 AGO Story Map Competition> Indiana PGP's available> interact with like-minded colleagues> discover new resources
T3G Hub for additional details,including an archive of T3G Webinars -
Mon19Jul20219:30am - 4:00pmBracken Library, BL 224, Ball State University, Muncie, IN
StoryMaps Workshop ... FREE to YOU
> $100 HonorariumLimited space! Please register by July 15...
REGISTER Attention Elementary, Middle, High School, & Post-Secondary Educators/Librarians/Resource
Specialists...FORMAL & INFORMAL !
Designed for educators wanting to learn how to create ArcGIS StoryMaps.
Are you interested in helping students:
> Practice 21st
century, employable skills?> Understand, analyze and interpret data?
> Deliberate and solve problems from evidence?
A professional development opportunity to learn how to effectively integrate geospatial technologies enhancing student learning through the creation of Story Maps. No prior experience with
ArcGIS Online is required.WHEN: July
19, 2021, 9:30 am - 4:00 pm,WHERE: Bracken Library, BL 224, Ball State
University, Muncie, IN 47306BENEFITS:
> Professional Growth Points (PGP’s)
> Instructional and technical support as you implement geospatial technologies in your curriculum
> Open a new door for yourself and your students
Dr. Reuben Allen,
Ball State University, GeographyDr. Shireen Desouza,
Ball State University, Biology & Science EducationDr. JÖrn
Seemann, Ball State University, Geography -
Mon18Oct20216:00 pm
Every month during the school year, HASTI plans to bring you at least one FREE virtual professional development opportunity.
For our October PD we are focusing on preservice teacher educators at any level: early childhood, elementary, and secondary. NSTA’s own Flavio Mendez will discuss how you can use NSTA resources as a replacement for your textbook in your science methods courses!
Flavio Mendez Biography:
Flavio Mendez is the Assistant Executive Director for University Partnerships and eLearning at the National Science Teaching Association (NSTA). In this role he supports university/college instructors in their work with science pre-service teachers. He also serves as Co-Chair of the NSTA Committee on Preservice Teacher Preparation. Mendez manages NSTA’s District and School Partners Programs, working with district and school leaders to engage with NSTA's vast library of online professional learning resources, community, and tools.
Prior to working at NSTA, Mendez worked on NASA's Hubble Space Telescope project as Education Specialist and at the Maryland Science Center as Director of Space and Earth Science Update Center exhibits. He earned a BS in Space Sciences from Florida Tech and an MS in Instructional Systems from the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Mendez has over 25 years of experience working with teachers of science, K-16, in formal and informal settings.
Info about this presentation:
Engage Your Pre-Service Teachers with NSTA
Are you an instructor of pre-service teachers of science? Learn about NSTA's digital resources, virtual experiences, online community, and website tools to help your students become the BEST teachers they can be. More than membership, this way of teaching your students will enhance their engagement with the National Science Teaching Association, and thus benefit them beyond their college years. You can learn more about this opportunity at: (https://www.nsta.org/college-professors).
Zoom info:
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Monday, Oct 18, 2021 6:00 PM Eastern Time
Any questions, please contact Stacy Hootman at hootmans@uindy.edu.
We hope to see everyone at a virtual HASTI PD event this year!
Stacy Hootman, HASTI Vice President
IN Statehood Day Writing Competition
IN Fourth Grade Students invited...The deadline is approaching!
All fourth grade Hoosier children can participate in the annual Statehood Day writing contest. Write an essay about nature in Indiana and win!Deadline to enter is Oct. 22
Wed27Oct20219:00am - 3:00pm ET
Join us on October 27 for the Indiana Government Geospatial Coordinator’s Forum. This annual event takes place from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ET at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds’ 4-H building located at 2003 Pleasant St in Noblesville.
The forum provides a unique opportunity for knowledge sharing specifically designed for government geospatial professionals or individuals in other sectors who serve as the primary geospatial service provider for an Indiana government entity.
Learn more about this year’s Government Geospatial Coordinator’s Forum
Register: This event is free to attend. However, registration is required to ensure we have an accurate count for the provided breakfast, lunch and snacks.While we currently are planning an in-person event, we care about the health and safety of the participants. Therefore, at a minimum, we will follow Indiana State Department of Health and Hamilton County Health Department guidelines. The measures will be in place depending on the color of Hamilton County on the County Metrics Advisory Level map found at https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/2393.htm:
Blue: social distancing and masks optional
Yellow: social distancing and masks required
Orange: we will consider moving to virtual.
Red: Forum will be virtualIndiana Geographic Information Council
4011 N Pennsylvania Street, Ste 100
Indianapolis, IN 46205
(317) 643-4133 -
Finding the voice and the passion within!
Indiana Council for the Social Studies
Annual ConferenceFriday, October 29 2021 (virtual)
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Provides an opportunity for educators at all levels to share their adventures, guidance and experiences
while they widen knowledge of the issues and solutions that call us to ACTION!FREE to Members and Students.
$25 Membership for non-Members 🙂
Keynote Speaker
Srour of Building Tomorrowwill Watch Party at the Global Village Welcome Center.
deliver the keynote address. Mr. Srour serves as a powerful example of someone who has found his passion and voice. He will be presenting from the
The Conference will be online on the 29th, however, you can join the conference at an in-person Watch
Party at the
at 4233 Lafayette Road in Indianapolis from 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Food and drinks provided.
If you would like to attend in person, email susan.tomlinson.icss@
gmail.com to
RSVP for the Watch Party by October 25th.Space is limited!
Register Conference
Sessions Grid -
GeoWeek 2021
(November 14-20)
(Wednesday November 17)
Primary/Elementary School
(books + activities)How
to Make an Apple Pie and See the World by Marjorie Priceman
(K-5)Monday - read the book and practice using a grid system
(label ABC-P/123-9) on the books map indicating ingredient locations
Tuesday - cook apples in the classroom or cafeteria
follow with
Tiny Seed by Eric Carle (1-5)Wednesday - read the book and add soil to a clear container; discuss soil types
Thursday - plant seeds in the soil (some close to the sides of the cup); discuss what helps a seed to grow (compare to the book). Create a spreadsheet to track seed growth,
water, and sunlight (3 columns; many rows - week 1, week 2, week 3...); practice using a rulerfollow with
HERE WE ARE: Notes for Living on Planet Earthby Oliver Jeffers (P-4)
Friday - practice "beach ball globe toss"...right thumb on land or water; create a tally chart; create a human bar graph
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------- Middle/High School
(book, activities + professionals)Lindsey
the GIS Professional
online book (4-12)Monday - read the online book and start a few activities
Lindsey the GIS Professional (K-5/8)Tuesday - invite local GIS Professionals (via county surveyor's/assessor's/auditor'
s offices, post-secondary institutions, utilities and private entities) Wednesday -
GIS DAY 2021: Maps, Music and More! LIVE with Joseph Kerski5-6 p.m. EST;
M&M Community Map activityThursday -
Landforms Greatest Hits! Interactive Story Map
(middle/high+)Friday - Enrich literacy by EXPLORING Indiana data & imagery via
For more ideas, contact the GENI office at 317.274.8879 or
geni@iupui.edu -
Tue07Jun20226:00 pmhttps://www.wfyi.org/events/arab-indianapolis-premiere
With Sen. Fady Qaddoura and Sara Hindi, hosted by WFYI
June 7, 6PM, Indianapolis Public Library Central Library
Free with RSVP:
Thu16Jun20229:00 pmWFYI, Channel 20.1, and stream on WFYI Passport
Sun19Jun20222:00 pm Indy Reads, in-person or virtual
Sat10Sep202210:00am - 2:00pmGlobal Village Welcome Center, 4233 Lafayette Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46254
Wed30Nov20227:00 pm
You are invited to a virtual lecture
Holodomor Commemoration that will take place on Wednesday, November 30th, at 7 pm EST.
The lecture will be led by Valentina Kuryliw, Director of Education at the Holodomor Research and Education Consortium from the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Alberta.
The presentation will highlight the story of a child of survivors and her experience as a teaching tool within a framework of human rights and the UN Convention. The flyer attached contains more details about the lecture. The lecture is organized by the Ukrainian Studies Organization at Indiana University and supported by IU’s Center for the Study of Global Change, Robert F. Byrnes Russian and East European Institute, and the Institute for European Studies.
Sat10Dec20228:30a.m. - 2:30p.m Arizona TimeVirtual via Zoom
Over the summer, teacher participants, mentors, and staff traveled by coach and train through a number of states exploring Westward Expansion through the lens of indigenous peoples. Join this first cohort of teachers as they present lessons they created based on the GeoCivics Academy course and travels. GeoCivics is funded by the US Department of Education and operating through the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College at Arizona State University.
There will be time for discussions related to grade level modifications and turning topics into civic action projects! Register at https://lnkd.in/gerueB6a. PGP's available via GENI.
Tue31Jan20237:00 - 8:30 PMZoom
Erin Farrell Rosenberg
Visiting Scholar, Urban Morgan Institute for Human Rights
University of Cincinnati College of LawOrder your 2023 Great Decisions Book!
Erin Farrell Rosenberg is a licensed attorney specializing in International criminal law (ICL), reparations, and genocide prevention. She spent a decade working in ICL, beginning at the International Criminal Tribunal where she assisted the Trial Chamber at the pre-trial stage on the Prosecutor vs. Ratko Mladic case. She then moved to the International Criminal Court (ICC), first in the Appeals Chamber where she worked on the ICC’s first judgment on reparations in the Lubanga case. She then continued her focus on reparations by leading the legal work at the ICC Trust Fund for Victims. In this role, she designed the Court’s first reparations beneficiary eligibility screening system, conducted harm assessments and victim consultations for purposes of reparations design and implementation planning, and oversaw the implementation of the first reparations to beneficiaries in the ICC’s history.
Upon returning to the US, she served as the Senior Advisor for the Center for the Prevention of Genocide at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, where she was the lead author for the report series, Practical Prevention: How the Genocide Convention’s Obligation to Prevent Applies to Burma and the Center’s legal work on the situations in Myanmar (Burma) and Xinjiang, China.
Currently, she works as a legal consultant, advising a number of NGOs and victim groups on legal and policy issues related to atrocity crimes and conflict situation. She is also, on a consultant’s basis, the Senior Legal and Policy Advisor for the Red Line Initiative, recently initiated by the Mukwege Foundation together with 2018 Nobel Peace Laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege, which seeks to create an international convention for the elimination of sexual violence as a method of warfare.
Tue14Feb20237:00 - 8:30 PMZoom
Jason "Jake" Hawes is a PhD student in the School for Environment and Sustainability at the University of Michigan. He is a member of the Urban Sustainability Research Group with Dr. Joshua Newell, studying the role of urban agriculture in a changing climate.
Zanagee Artis is a 23 year-old from Clinton, Connecticut, USA and a graduate of Brown University. He is a founder and the executive director of the global youth-led climate justice organization Zero Hour. Zanagee is also co-author of A Kids Book About Climate Change and co-host of 1 Point 5: A Kids Podcast About Climate Justice. Artis has been featured in a number of publications for his work on climate justice and climate policy, including The New York Times, Teen Vogue, and The Economist. In March of 2022, Zanagee traveled to Antarctica with the 2041 Foundation as an ambassador of the Global Choices Arctic Angels Network to witness polar climate impacts firsthand.
Magnolia Mead attends American University in Washington DC where she is President of the Sunrise Movement at the university, and active in several groups organized for climate justice as it impacts policy and legislation. Magnolia is a policy and legislative advocate and Director of US Organizing for Zero Hour.
Bella Wash is a Chemical Engineering major at the University of MIchigan where among many other things, Bella is a Michigan Research and Discovery Scholar; recipient of several academic distinctions and worked under the Climate Law Institute to support the group, California Law versus Big Oil.
How do we teach our students to communicate and plan and execute the change they desire in the world? NCSS defines Social Studies as the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities to promote civic competence. It is part of a well-rounded education that teaches critical thinking, speaking and listening skills, how to collaborate and to advocate.
Register today for the ICSS annual conference!
Join the Indiana Council for the Social Studies on Friday, February 24th, at the Indiana Landmarks Center in Indianapolis as we explore the ways we can prepare our students to be informed citizens of the world around them.
Sat25Feb202311:00 am - 1:30 pm
Indiana Council on World Affairs
Youth Education - Academic WorldQuest
FREE competition for high schoolsFebruary 25, 2023, 11 - 1:30, pre & post-events
Hybrid - in-person & virtual
https://www.fpa.org/You can help!
Let's engage high school students
in world affairs study & dialogue!Share - friends, family, teachers, students & community leaders.
Academic WorldQuest | ICWA (indianaworld.org)
ICWA - AWQ 2023 - Categories -
Tue28Feb20237:00 PM - 8:30 PMVirtual via Zoom
Dr. Pierre M. Atlas is a Senior Lecturer at the Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at IUPUI, where he teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in their Public Affairs and Criminal Justice programs. He is also a faculty affiliate at the Center for the Study of the Middle East at Indiana University Bloomington and writes a monthly opinion column for the Indianapolis Business Journal.
Prior to joining O’Neill, Dr. Atlas was a Professor of Political Science at Marian University and for 17 years served as the Founding Director of The Richard G. Lugar Franciscan Center for Global Studies which included an interdisciplinary program in global studies and an annual speaker series.
He obtained his Ph.D. in Political Science from Rutgers University and holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Political Science from the University of Arizona and the University of Toronto, respectively. A comparative political scientist by training, Dr. Atlas devoted much of his academic career to studying and writing about Middle East politics and US foreign policy in the Middle East.
Tue18Apr20233:30 pmZoom
Sylvie Brouder, PhD
Director of the Purdue Center for Global Food Security
Wickersham Chair of Excellence in Agricultural ResearchThe PCGFS’s mission is to elevate the global food and nutrition security agenda and to engage with our varied partners in meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals of eliminating hunger and nutrition insecurity by 2030 while conserving the natural resource base.
Dr. Brouder graduated from Harvard University (BA, Biology) and the University of California – Davis (PhD, Ecology); she studies agricultural productivity and agriculture’s impacts on the environment in a changing climate and oversees research activities at the Water Quality Field Station, an in-field laboratory and Purdue University Core Facility.
With expertise in soil health and climate smart agriculture, she works with various organizations and partners to develop, implement and assess public investments in science and capacity development. She has conducted in-depth reviews of the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research Programs for the Food and Agriculture Organization and, with Purdue colleagues, designed graduate curricula for a World Bank-funded African Center of Excellence in Climate Smart Agriculture.
Dr. Brouder recently served as President for the American Society of Agronomy (ASA) where she advanced an array of initiatives to increase the rate of translation of science into guidance for policy makers and for evidenced-based practice in agriculture. She is currently serving a second term on the Standing Science Advisory Board for US Environmental Protection Agency to provide expertise in ecology, climate change and agriculture. She is a Fellow of ASA and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Will you be attending?
Click here to register! -
If interested in participating, please, submit your abstract to Dr. Yuri Kim (yurikim@iu.edu). The abstract must include:
the title, authors with affiliation, and description of your project (up to 250 words). -
Fri05May20235:00 pm
The 2023 theme for our statewide selection for the national competition isDiscovering Indiana & the World Through GIS
The maps should be about places and themes related to Indiana and tell a compelling story. What kind of story could be told with maps? There is a wide range of possibilities, from the local ecology of your hometown, stories about immigration to your community, natural treasures in your community/state, or peculiarities of Hoosier culture, environmental problems and other interesting topics.
Middle and high school students and their teachers across the U.S. are invited to explore their world and create interesting online maps about their home state. The ArcGIS Online U.S. School Competition 2023 is open to middle school (grades 4-8) and high school (grades 9-12) students in the U.S. who analyze and present data via an ArcGIS Online presentation, web app, or story map.
The Geography Educators’ Network of Indiana (GENI) invites all middle and high school teachers and students to take part in this competition. All grades 4-12 public, private, or homeschooled students in Indiana (including 4th-grade elementary students) are eligible to enter the contest either through formal OR informal organizations. Each participating school can select up to 5 submissions.
The competition is an initiative to stimulate the use of GIS technologies in schools and teach students to engage with their reality, analyze problems, and think critically about space and place. Participants use ArcGIS Online to tell an interesting (IN) story using data, maps, written words, photographs, videos, audio and more...a digital research paper that has a spatial component. You can find a large number of story map examples at https://www.esri.com/en-us/arcgis/products/arcgis-storymaps/stories (by professionals) and guides to get started at https://www.esri.com/en-us/arcgis/products/arcgis-storymaps/resources. ArcGIS Online is available to schools in the United States free of charge. Go to http://www.esri.com/industries/education/software-bundle#%20 to sign up for a free ArcGIS Online school organization (secure) account.
All students who submit maps and their teachers will receive a participation certificate from the Geography Educators’ Network of Indiana (GENI). The five maps judged the best in each category (middle school and high school) will be
awarded $100 Amazon.com gift certificates.
Samples from previous competitions and additional information are available at the 2023 AGO link below or http://esriurl.com/agoschoolcompinfo (full details).
For further materials and assistance, please, get in touch with Jörn Seemann (mappingindiana@gmail.com), go the Mapping Indiana Facebook Group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/2467716709977131/) or visit the GENI website for updates (https://geni.iupui.edu).
The deadline for submitting student maps for the statewide competition is May 5, 2023 @ 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time. State Awardees will be announced on May 12, 2023.
Wed10May2023Fri12May2023Old National Events Plaza, Evansville
Earlybird Rates: Member, $295; Non-Member, $440; Student, $100 (rates increase after April 21)
NOMINATE AN INDVIDUAL OR ORGANIZATION FOR AN AWARDThe 2023 Annual Indiana GIS Conference is less than three months away! If you haven't yet registered as an attendee, exhibitor or sponsor, now's the time to sign up!
The IGIC's website has been updated with the latest version of the conference schedule. Be sure to check out the vast and dynamic sessions being offered!
Also, don't forget about the Esri Hands-On Learning Lab that will be available during the conference. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about ArcGIS software at no additional cost to you.
Each year, our goal remains the same -- to bring the GIS community together and capitalize on the growth of the technology in our state by delivering a comprehensive and relevant conference program. We hope you can join us!
Wed10May2023Fri12May2023Evansville, IN
IGIC Emerging Professional Group
2nd Research CompetitionPost-secondary students utilizing GIS in any application and for diverse purposes can enter, whether they
are in a Geography/GIS course or not. Entrants can be undergraduate freshmen through graduates, can
be using GIS for the first time or can be experienced GIS users. The first EPG Competition (December
2022) had students using GIS for the first-time while exploring tornadoes & rural sirens/notifications in
northern Indiana; waterways & invasive species; police response & use of force in Bloomington; crimes &
bird protections in the U.K.; wetlands changes in Allen County; peacefulness of neighborhoods in
Bloomington...and more. One of the graduate students focused on electric vehicle adoption in relationship
to extreme temperatures. The students represent a wide variety of areas of interest/fields of study/visions
of majors & minors.
The Emerging Professional Group invites YOU and/or YOUR students to submit an abstract and/or to
become involved with the Group. Benefits to EPG involvement include: meeting other students employing
GIS/geospatial tools from a wide variety of backgrounds, experiences and fields of study; access to IGIC's
professional development opportunities, which include webinars, in-person
workshops/forums/conferences; networking with (Indiana's) GIS/geospatial professionals; connections to
the most up-to-date geospatial tools, training, knowledge, research and individuals; inroads to GIS-related
internships and employment across diverse fields; opportunities to contribute to policies and procedures
navigating the direction in which Indiana GIS/geospatial technologies/data management heads...the
EPG's participants futures!
The EPG 2 nd Research Competition will be hosted at the 2023 IGIC Annual Conference (May 10 - 12, Evansville, IN).
Many talented young Geospatial/GIS scholars have been enriching our Indiana GIS community.
Meet our fellows and celebrate emerging GIS professionals’ contemporary work!
If you or your students have questions, please contact Yuri Kim (yurikim@iu.edu).
If interested in participating, please, submit your abstract to Dr. Yuri Kim (yurikim@iu.edu). The abstract must include:
the title, authors with affiliation, and description of your project (up to 250 words).
Important Timeline
- April 21, 2023: Deadline to submit your abstract
- April 28, 2023: Announcing entrants invited to share their projects.
All invited speakers will receive free one-day (Thursday) IGIC Annual Conference registration (meals included).
- 1st place = $150
- 2nd place = $100
- 3rd place = $50
All winners will receive an achievement letter from the current IGIC president. -
Wed25Oct20234:30pm - 5:30pm
Grade Level: 6-8 and 9-12
From the Population Connection: Help your students unpack the complexities of climate change. During this interactive virtual session, facilitators will share activities that encourage analysis of various types of climate data, explore the disproportionate impacts of climate change on the world’s most vulnerable, and highlight how humans have altered global ecosystems.
FREE educator training: virtual workshop is perfect for earth/environmental science teachers as well as social studies/geography teachers.
Fri27Oct2023Sun29Oct2023Columbia SC Metropolitan Convention Center 1101 Lincoln St, Columbia, South Carolina, United States
National Council for Geographic Education (NCGE) invites you to attend our 108th Annual Conference This in-person gathering of K-12 geography teachers, college and university faculty members, curriculum designers and […]
Wed15Nov202312:00 pmIndiana Government Center South Building Atrium, 302 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204
GIS Day 2023
Save the Date and Register today! The State of Indiana’s GIS Day is Wednesday, November 15, 2023, 8:30am to 3:30pm.
Participate in our celebration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in the State of Indiana, and beyond. GIS is a set of tools, data, and people that gather, analyze, and visualize spatial data (maps!) to help us make better decisions. The Indiana Geographic Information Office’s GIS Day will focus on helping others learn more about geography and the real-world applications of GIS that help make a difference. GIS day is our opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the GIS community in Indiana, and more broadly. This is our chance to share accomplishments and inspire others to use GIS!
The event is free and will take place in the Indiana Government Center South Building Atrium (located at 302 W Washington St, Indianapolis, IN 46204). Lunch will be included, courtesy of Sanborn, and sessions will focus on GIS Implementation, Technical Practice in GIS, and GIS Innovations in Indiana and elsewhere.
Registration may be limited to the first 400 participants.
Register to Attend:
Submit an Abstract:
Deadline: August 23, 2023
Thu30Nov202312:00pm - 1:00pm
Presenter: Alex Elvis Badillo, Assistant Professor in the Department of Earth and Environmental Systems at Indiana State University
Alex is the founder and director of the Geospatial and Virtual Archaeology Laboratory and Studio (GVALS). His archaeological research takes place in Mexico, Peru, Italy, and the USA. He specializes in Mesoamerican archaeology, settlement pattern survey, human-environment interactions, and the applications of geospatial and 3D technologies in archaeology.
Thu18Jan20247:00 pm - 8:30 pm ETVia Zoom
As Americans, we have long associated religious extremism with Islamic terrorism. Unfortunately, history tells us that any religion is prone to extremism. Religion has also been linked to ethno-centric extremism in many cultures. In the US this has become known most recently as Christian Nationalism. We are also seeing a rise in extremism in countries that either became democratic civil societies post WWII or recently emerging civil societies. The move toward nationalism linked to religious extremism has been linked to violence as well as the election of authoritarian rulers whose very actions violate the core values of a civil society; the freedoms of speech, religion, press, gathering and protest.
This urgent matter will be the topic for our program –on Thursday, January 18th @ 7 PM ET. We are excited about our panelists!
Registration & Additional Information -
Presented by the Indiana Council of World Affairs
All High schools are welcome to register for this hybrid event
Global Studies & Competition for high school students in a virtual game mode
FREE Study Materials: Great Decisions & Official Study Guide
Sat24Feb20248:30 am - 2:15 pmHosted by Kokomo High School
A new war emerged after WWII. It wasn’t fought on the ground or air but in space. The Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union lasted from 1945-1991 and as the two nations battled an ideological war, they would also fight one for superiority of the Final Frontier. There were incredible feats of courage, ingenuity, and technology as well as deception and espionage. Join us at the table for an intriguing conversation.
This program will be conducted as a discussion, utilizing primary source documents as the only readings, and with the Discussion Leader facilitating the conversation, instead of lecturing or presenting. Registrants, therefore, are highly encouraged to read all the documents in advance and come ready with questions. Teachers will receive a Letter of Attendance at the conclusion of the seminar.
Tue07May20244:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Central TimeChristopher Center Library @ Valparaiso University, IN
Join us to learn about new developments in the science of weather and climate. Share teaching ideas and resources, peruse the interactive exhibit, find answers to your questions, meet Valparaiso University's weather, climate, geography, and environmental professionals!
Hear about the impact that climate change is having, locally and globally, with examples from the Galapagos Islands. Discover how YOU can find more with the National Geographic! -
Fri08Nov20248:00a.m. - 3:30p.m. ETIndiana University Columbus Learning Center; 4555 Central Avenue, Columbus IN 47203
Wed20Nov20248:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. ETIndiana Government Center South; 302 West Washington Street, Indianapolis IN 46204
IN GIS Day 2024 -
Tue20May20259:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.Urban Wilderness Trail at White River State Park
Want to learn more about Indianapolis? Want to help gather data? Want to learn more about geospatial equipment? How do we balance environment and society through creative and unique urban green spaces? Join us as we explore the Urban Wilderness Trail at White River State Park, along with Coach Greg Harger, learning more about creating a balance between human demands and environmental well-being, sustaining a cycle of wellness for all. The hope is to kayak along a portion of the White River (precipitation quantities dependent) experiencing a view of Indianapolis most do not encounter. Kayaking is optional for those unsure about the experience. During the casual hike and kayak experience, participants will gather flora and fauna data and assist with light field work (as needed), thus, connecting participants with the community, sharing ideas and possibilities for their own communities, and leaving behind a better PLACE...as well as professional engagement possibilities with area educators and students. Results of the participants’ field work will be presented at the IGIC Annual Conference as well. Light lunch will be provided. 3 hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Comfortable and appropriate dress for walking, a bit of field work and kayaking. (PGP's and GISP - Professional Development recognitions available as needed). For more information and registration details, visit https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/w57tuu6/lp/eda8fdc9-0641-41fd-8ea2-008178a61740
Thu19Jun2025Fri20Jun2025Angel Mounds State Historic Site
Join intrepid adventurers learning about one of the most unique Mounds Builders Communities in the world. Educator and Archaeologist Ben will spend the day guiding the group through the Site for a better understanding about the people and the environment ... and possible connections beyond the property boundaries. We will gather flora and fauna data, wander the newly renovated Education Center, explore Mississippian cultures, learn more about the changing landscape and land-use, and gain insight to the Site's relationship within the local/Ohio River Valley/Eastern U.S./continent/world regions. June 20 happens to be the Summer Solstice; so, enjoying the sunrise and its alignment with some of the Mounds is a must! Exploring a bit of Evansville's history, the role of the riverfront in the community, a Landing Ship Tank, and water management efforts for the area are also among items on the agenda ... TOO MUCH TO DO in Evansville!!! GENI will coordinate efforts, provide entry to the various sites, provide lunches/waters/snacks. Participants must make their own lodging arrangements; arrive earlier or stay longer for an extended Evansville experience. (PGP's and GISP - Professional Development recognitions available as needed) a. For more information and registration details, visit https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/ev/reg/w57tuu6/lp/eda8fdc9-0641-41fd-8ea2-008178a61740